There are numerous definitions available on the Internet, but what does it look like in practice? It does not matter if you are a programmer or a recruiter – you will gain a better understanding of our IT recruitment practices and activities.
Sourcer/sourcing– position/job that entails identifying and searching for passive candidates using a variety of techniques, including Boolean and X-ray, as well as contacting active candidates and creating and posting job offers. They are the beginning of a successful recruitment process as they also care about CX.
RPO Recruiter- RPO is known as Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This can be understood as establishing a partnership between the company and a recruitment agency. The company “hires” a specific recruiter to conduct recruitment processes on the client’s behalf. Its responsibilities include sourcing and acquiring passive and active candidates. They also analyze CVs, ensure an appropriate candidate experience during contact with candidates, and build a positive image of the employer.
InHouse Recruiter– or “Internal Recruiter” is a person who works in the company’s internal human resources department.
Response Rate – is the number of people who responded to the question in the survey or messages divided by the total number of people in the given sample multiplied by 100%. For example, a message was sent to ten people, and only six responded. The response rate is then 60%. The score can be one of the indicators of how well candidates communicate with you.
HeadHunting– recruitment method that consists of direct search (executive search) for specific positions and managerial positions. Their hiring practices are strictly confidential.
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) – in short, these are the hallmarks of the company. It answers the question: “Why is it worth joining your company). EVP should be unique. A young and dynamic team is everywhere …;)
Employer Branding– these are all activities aimed at enhancing a company’s brand. It can be directed both internally (at the company’s employees by examining their moods, motivations, and goals) and externally (via social media activity and competitor analysis).
Personal Branding– all of these activities are aimed at developing and sustaining a personal brand. A strong personal brand helps to build trust in business and opens up many new opportunities for growth.
Feedback– is a message sent back to the candidate or another person, usually in writing (via e-mail), but sometimes by phone. It should be sent at every stage of the recruitment process to ensure efficient and effective communication. If a candidate is rejected, constructive information about its areas for future development should be provided.
Preboarding– is a collection of activities aimed at introducing new employees. Preboarding is usually done prior to the first day of work. It could be interpreted as meeting the team and sending a pdf with all of the company’s information.
Onboarding– all activities involving the introduction of a new employee to the company. It is usually led by a company representative that is in charge of onboarding. The goal is to familiarize the employee with the technologies and tools used at work, foster positive relationships with coworkers, and ensure the new employee’s well-being. It also involves assigning a teammate (“Buddy”) to assist the new employee in their daily activities during their initial employment.
Offboarding– the set of activities that are performed when an employee leaves the company. These are various types of HR matters, such as informing teammates about potential changes, but also final conversations with the employee and feedback on their work during their time with the company.
ATS– Applicant Tracking Software It is a program that aids in the recruitment process. It contains a database of candidates with whom a given company’s recruiters have had contact. You can also use it to create and modify a candidate pipeline, create and publish job offers, and much more.
Screening – is a process that typically occurs during the first stage of recruitment. It entails reviewing the curriculum vitae, previous experience, and skills listed on the candidate’s resumee.
Pipeline – this is one of the roles in the ATS program that apply to job applicants. Let’s say 15 people applied, then there are 15 people in the pipeline.
Employee Retention Rate – is a metric that indicates how well an organization can “retain” employees. We calculate it by dividing the current number of employees by the initial number of employees * 100%.
Blind CV – is a CV that includes information about experience and skills but does not include any personal information.
Ghosting – the point at which one of the people involved in the recruitment ceases to respond. It could be a recruiter or a candidate. CandidFuture do not ghost!
Job Board – is a website where job openings are posted. Popular job boards in the IT industry include Justjoin IT, Bulldog Job, and No Fluff Jobs.
Assessment Center – is the process of evaluating a candidate’s qualifications to work in a specific position. Typically, this takes the form of a session in which various tests and tasks, both group and solo, are carried out while participants are observed.
Candidate Experience – all of the candidate’s recruitment-related experiences and impressions. Building a positive relationship with a candidate from the first contact is what candidate experience is all about. It is the result of ongoing communication with the candidate, informing him about the current recruitment process, potential changes, and feedback at each stage of the recruitment process.
Employee Experience– includes everything an employee feels, does, sees, and learns throughout the life cycle of their company.
Hiring Manager -the person in charge of the given recruitment. When determining rates, obligations, or signing a contract with a candidate, the Hiring Manager makes a decision.
Executive Search– is a direct search with one major difference. This search applies to people in C-level positions. Often a high level of confidentiality must be respected, therefore this task is only assigned to trusted and experienced people.
Direct Search– enables recruiters and sourcers to reach out to suitable candidates, for example, via LinkedIn.
B2B – business to business, it is a contract between two (or more) business companies. It is the most common contract in the IT industry. If you are thinking about switching to B2B, please contact us! We will send you a free e-book to help you get started.
Cloud Solutions
SaaS – known as Software as a Service. The service provider develops its application in the cloud. It updates automatically and makes it easily available to its clients.
PaaS – known as Platform as a Service. The content of the cloud is provided by the service provider, where the user can create applications or store data. The PaaS provider is responsible for infrastructure maintenance and management.
IaaS – known as Infrastructure as a Service. The service provider rents the infrastructure to the user. It is characterized by greater responsibility on the part of the user than other models.
Cloud model solution comparison

Culture Fit – is about matching the candidate to the company’s organizational culture. Each candidate is remarkable, with a unique personality and set of values. Culture fit is about bringing someone on board who will support an organizational culture that is compatible with its natural functioning.
Candidate’s Persona – personality invented by recruiters, which is the identification of the client’s expectations and needs. It differs in no way from the persona used in UX.
Recruitment brief -talking about the most important aspects of recruitment Examine what qualifications and experience are required for a specific position. It considers the recruitment process as well as all of the information essential for the candidate to make a decision.
Backlog – a list of candidates in the pipeline who are awaiting information from the responsible person.
FTE – known as Full-Time Equivalent. The total number of hours worked by an employee in a given year.